THE SCRAPBOOK series is a work that arranges unspecified topics contained in analog print media without any connection and reveals them again as an irregular mass. I started thinking about media philosophy after reading Benjamin’s ‘The Fall of the Aura’, which states that the aura of a work of art can fall due to the development of reproduction technology. A series that visualizes the complex relationship between media and art, such as the discovery of traces in print media, real works of art and reproductions, the collision of analog and digital media, and the meaning and role of media in expressionism in art.

THE SCRAPBOOK, Mixed Media, 40x38x52cm, 2023

THE SCRAPBOOK, Mixed Media, 33x22x50cm, 2023

THE SCRAPBOOK, Mixed Media, 42x42x46cm, 2023


THE SCRAPBOOK, Mixed Media, 22x20x45cm, 2023


THE SCRAPBOOK, Mixed Media, Tripod, 72x32x115cm, 2023

THE SCRAPBOOK, Mixed Media, 38x29x30cm, 2023


Work Process